Securely Hosting MySQL with Amazon RDS in Your AWS VPC

Securely Hosting MySQL with Amazon RDS in Your AWS VPC


In this blog post, we will explore how to create a MySQL database. We will first have to create a VPC for a couple of reasons:

  • A VPC provides network isolation, meaning your RDS instance is not exposed directly to the internet. You control who can access your database and from where. For our case, we will have our database isolated within a private subnet.

  • You can also use network access control lists (ACLs) to provide an additional layer of security by setting rules to allow or deny traffic at the subnet level.

  • You can use route tables to control the flow of traffic within your VPC and direct traffic from your RDS instance to other services, such as an EC2 instance hosting your application.

  • Multi-AZ RDS setups require at least two subnets in different AZs. These subnets are part of a DB subnet group, which dictates where your primary and standby databases are placed within the VPC. Without a VPC, you wouldn't have the network infrastructure to define and manage these subnets.

Setting up your VPC

The image above shows the infrastructure that we'll set up for our RDS Database. I will take you through every step of the way until our database is set up and running.

So, you will need to set these configurations in your VPC for you to successfully host your database:

Task 1: Creating the VPC first

First, ensure you are logged into your AWS Management Console.

Once you are in the AWS console, type and search for VPC in the search bar at the top. Select VPC from the list.

You will be redirected to the Amazon VPC dashboard. We will use the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) service to build our VPC.

Choose Create VPC and configure the following options:

  • Under VPC Settings go to Resources to create: Choose VPC Only

  • Name tag - optional: Select the VPC name of your choice i.e. RDS-VPC

  • IPv4 CIDR: Enter

  • IPv6 CIDR block: Choose No IPv6 CIDR block.

  • Tenancy: Choose Default.

  • Then Choose Create VPC.

Once your VPC is running, you can refer all your other resources to be set up in the VPC.

Next, let's set up security groups.

Task 2: Creating Security Groups that will be used later in the project

  1. Creating a web server security group

In this task, we'll create a VPC security group, which acts as a virtual firewall for the instance we'll create.

The web server instance will later on be used to connect securely to the database which will be placed in the private subnet.

In the VPC left navigation pane, choose Security Groups.

Choose Create security group.

Configure the security group with the following options:

  • Security group name: Enter Web Server Security Group

  • Description: Enter Enable HTTP access

VPC: Choose RDS-VPC.

Under Inbound rules, choose Add rule.

Configure the following options:

  • Type: Choose HTTP.

  • Source: Choose Anywhere IPv4.

  • Description: Enter Permit web requests

Choose Add rule again.

Configure the following options:

  • Type: Choose SSH.

  • Source: Choose Anywhere IPv4.

  • Description: Enter Permit SSH access

Choose Create security group.

  1. Creating RDS DB Security Group

In the VPC left navigation pane, choose Security Groups.

Choose Create security group.

Configure the security group with the following options:

  • Security group name: Enter RDS DB Security Group

  • Description: Enter Permit access to the DB

VPC: Choose RDS-VPC.

Under Inbound rules, choose Add rule.

Configure the following options:

  • Type: Choose MySQL/Aurora.

  • Source: Stick with custom.

  • In the search box next to Source, type 'sg' and choose the Web Server Security Group

  • Description: Enter Security group that accepts traffic that is allowed by the web server security group

Choose Create security group.

Now you have the 2 security groups in place. We will use them later on.

Task 3: Creating Subnets

In the VPC left navigation pane, choose Subnets.

Choose Create Subnet and configure the following options:

First Subnet:

  • VPC ID: From the dropdown list, choose RDS-VPC.

  • Under Subnet Settings in Subnet 1 of 1 set the following:

    • Subnet name: public subnet 1

    • Availability Zone: choose the first availability zone

    • IPv4 subnet CIDR block:

Before creating the subnet, ensure you create the other subnets first.

Second Subnet:

  • click Add new subnet

  • Subnet name: private subnet 1

  • Availability Zone: choose the first availability zone

  • IPv4 subnet CIDR block:

Third Subnet:

  • click Add new subnet

  • Subnet name: public subnet 2

  • Availability Zone: choose the second availability zone

  • IPv4 subnet CIDR block:

Fourth Subnet:

  • click Add new subnet

  • Subnet name: private subnet 2

  • Availability Zone: choose the second availability zone

  • IPv4 subnet CIDR block:

Once you are done configuring the subnets, click create subnets

Task 4: Creating the Internet Gateway

From the left navigation pane, select Internet Gateways. Create an Internet Gateway (IGW) by selecting Create internet gateway at the top right corner.

Under Internet gateway settings choose an appropriate name for your internet gateway

  • Name tag: VPC IGW

Once you have created your IGW, you will see Attach to VPC at the top of your screen with a green background. click it.

  • Under Available VPCs, choose RDS-VPC

  • Finally click Attack to VPC

Now your VPC has an internet gateway attached to it.

Task 5: Creating your NAT Gateway

From the left navigation pane, select NAT Gateways. Create a NAT Gateway by selecting Create NAT gateway at the top right corner.

Under NAT gateway settings, configure the following:

  • Name - optional: VPC NAT

  • Subnet: From the drop down, choose either public subnet 1 or public subnet 2

  • Connectivity type: Public

  • Elastic IP allocation ID: click Allocate elastic IP

Then finally click create NAT Gateway

Task 6: Creating route tables, associations and routes

Create route tables and their subnet associations

Next, let's configure route tables. We will create a public and private route tables.

In the left navigation pane, choose Route Tables.

Choose Create Route Table

In the Route table settings configure the following:

  • Name - optional : public route table


Then click create route table

Go back to the VPC dashboard and select route tables in the left pane.

Select the newly created public route table

In the lower pane, choose the Subnet associations tab.

Under Subnets without explicit associations, choose Edit subnet associations.

Select the check boxes for public subnet 1 and public subnet 2.

Choose Save associations.

You now configure the route table that is used by the private subnets.

Choose Private Route Table

In the lower pane, choose the Subnet associations tab.

Under Subnets without explicit associations, choose Edit subnet associations.

Select the check boxes for private subnet 1 and private subnet 2.

Choose Save associations.

In the left navigation pane, choose Route Tables again.

Choose Create Route Table

In the Route table settings configure the following:

  • Name - optional : private route table


Then click create route table

Go back to the VPC dashboard and select route tables in the left pane.

Select the newly created private route table

In the lower pane, choose the Subnet associations tab.

Under Subnets without explicit associations, choose Edit subnet associations.

Select the check boxes for private subnet 1 and private subnet 2.

Choose Save associations.

Now you have both the public and private route tables.

Creating Route for the Internet Gateway

Go back to the VPC dashboard and select route tables in the left pane.

Select the newly created public route table

In the lower pane, choose the Routes tab

Under Routes, click edit routes

You will find one route created with a status saying 'Active'

Now, let us configure the second route by clicking Add route:

  • Under Destination, choose

  • Under Target, choose Internet gateway then a new cell will appear below starting with 'igw - '. Click on it and select the internet gateway you created earlier i.e. VPC IGW

Then select save changes

Create route for the NAT Gateway

Go back to the VPC dashboard and select route tables in the left pane.

Select the newly created private route table

In the lower pane, choose the Routes tab

Under Routes, click edit routes

You will find one route created with a status saying 'Active'

Now, let us configure the second route by clicking Add route:

  • Under Destination, choose

  • Under Target, choose NAT gateway then a new cell will appear below starting with 'nat - '. Click on it and select the NAT gateway you created earlier i.e. VPC NAT

Then select save changes

Now our AWS VPC is fully set up and thus we need to create the web server that will let us securely connect to our database

Creating an Instance that Connects to the Database

Task 7: Creating a Web Server

In this task, we will launch an EC2 instance into the new VPC. We will configure the instance to act as a web server.

On the AWS Management Console, in the Search bar, enter and choose EC2 to go to the EC2 Management Console.

In the left navigation pane, choose Instances.

Choose Launch instances and configure the following options:

  • In the Name and tags section, Name: Web Server.

  • In the Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image) section, configure the following options:

    • Quick Start: Choose Amazon Linux.

    • Amazon Machine Image (AMI): Stick with the default AMI which is Amazon Linux 2023

  • In the Instance type section, stick with t2.micro.

  • In the Key pair (login) section, create your own keys by clicking create new key pair.

    • Provide a Key pair name: demo ssh key

    • Private key file format

      • .pem - for Linux and Mac OS

      • .ppk - for windows

  • In the Network settings section, choose Edit and configure the following options:

    • VPC - required: Choose RDS-VPC.

    • Subnet: Choose Public Subnet 1 or 2.

    • Auto-assign public IP: Choose Enable.

    • Firewall (security groups): Choose Select existing security group.

      • Choose Web Server Security Group.
  • Expand Advanced details

  • Under User data, copy and paste the following code:

yum -y install httpd
systemctl start httpd
systemctl enable httpd
echo '<html><h1>Hello From Your AWS Restart Web Server!</h1></html>' > /var/www/html/index.html

Then go ahead and Launch Instance

Test out the instance by pasting its public IP address to your web browser and confirming if you will see 'Hello From Your AWS Restart Web Server!'

Creating an Amazon RDS Instance Running MySQL

Task 8: Creating your MySQL Database using Amazon RDS

In this task, we will:

  • Create a Subnet Group to facilitate high availability by setting up a Multi-AZ deployment.

  • Configure the RDS DB instance to permit connections from your web server.

  • Configure MySQL Workbench to connect to the database

Task 8.1: Create a DB Subnet Group

In this task, we will create a DB subnet group that is used to tell RDS which subnets can be used for the database when a Multi-AZ deployment has been set up. It dictates where your primary and standby database instances are going to be placed within the VPC.

Without a VPC, you wouldn't have the network infrastructure to define and manage these subnets. Each DB subnet group requires subnets in at least two Availability Zones.

In the AWS Management Console, select the Services menu, and then select RDS under Database.

In the left navigation pane, click Subnet groups.

If the navigation pane is not visible, click the menu icon in the top-left corner.

Click Create DB Subnet Group then configure:

Name: DB Subnet Group

In the Add subnets section for Availability zones, click the , then:

Select the first Availability zone

Select the second Availability zone

For Subnets, click the , then:

For the first Availability zone, select

For the second Availability zone, select

Click Create

This adds Private Subnet 1 ( and Private Subnet 2 ( You will use this DB subnet group when creating the database in the next task.

Task 8.2: Create an Amazon RDS DB Instance

In this task, we will configure and launch a Multi-AZ Amazon RDS for the MySQL database instance.

Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments provide enhanced availability and durability for Database (DB) instances, making them a natural fit for production database workloads. When you provision a Multi-AZ DB instance, Amazon RDS automatically creates a primary DB instance and synchronously replicates the data to a standby instance in a different Availability Zone (AZ).

In the left navigation pane, click Databases.

Choose Create database, then under Choose a database creation method select Standard create.

Under the Engine options section, for Engine type, choose MySQL.

For Engine version, choose the latest version or the version you prefer.

For Templates, choose Dev/Test.

For Availability and durability, choose Multi-AZ DB Instance.

Under Settings, configure the following: DB instance identifier: rds-instance

Master username: admin

Under Credential management, choose self-managed

  • Master password: choose a password of your choice

  • Confirm password: choose a password of your choice

Under Instance configuration, configure the following for DB instance class:

  • Select Burstable classes (includes t classes).

  • Select db.t3.micro.

  • Under Storage, configure:

    • Select General Purpose (SSD) under Storage type.
  • Under Connectivity, configure:

    • Compute resource: Don't connect to an EC2 compute resource

    • DB Subnet group: The one you created earlier will appear as default

    • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): RDS-VPC

    • Public access: No

    • Under VPC security group select Choose existing

    • Under Existing VPC security groups

      • Use X to Remove default.

      • Select RDS Security Group to highlight it in blue.

  • Under Monitoring, expand Additional configuration and then configure the following:

    • For Enhanced Monitoring, uncheck Enable Enhanced monitoring.
  • Scroll down to the Additional configuration section and expand this option. Then configure:

    • Initial database name: company

    • Under Backup, uncheck Enable automated backups.

This will turn off backups, which is not normally recommended, but will make the database deploy faster for this lab.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen, then click Create database

    Your database will now be launched.

Go to the RDS Dashboard and from the left navigation pane, go to databases. You will find rds-instance

You will now need to wait approximately 4 minutes for the database to be available. The deployment process is deploying a database in two different Availability zones.

Wait until the Status changes to Modifying or Available.

Scroll down to the Connectivity & Security section and copy the Endpoint field.

It will look similar to:

Paste the Endpoint value into a text editor.

Now, let's go to Workbench and connect to our web server that will then connect us to the database via SSH.

Using MySQL Workbench to Connect to the Database

Task 9: Connect to your database using MySQL Workbench

Ensure you have installed workbench and its functioning.

Click '+' under MySQL Connections

Then follow the following configurations:

  1. Connection Method: Standard TCP/IP over SSH

The "Standard TCP/IP over SSH" method allows you to securely connect to your RDS instance via an SSH tunnel. This method ensures that your database connection is encrypted and protected by routing the traffic through an intermediary SSH server (web server).

  1. SSH Configuration
  • SSH Hostname*:* This is the public IP address of the EC2 instance acting as your web server.

  • SSH Username*:* Typically, AWS EC2 instances running Amazon Linux use the default username ec2-user. This is the name you’ll use to connect to your EC2 instance.

  • SSH Key File*:* To connect to your EC2 instance, you need an SSH key. This key is a .pem or .ppk file that was generated when you created your EC2 instance. For this configuration, ensure that your key file is in OpenSSH format and points to the correct location on your local machine. For example, C:\Users\Ajira\Downloads\demo-ssh.openssh

  1. MySQL Configuration
  • MySQL Hostname: This is the endpoint of your RDS instance that you saved in your text editor. The RDS instance endpoint is a DNS name provided by AWS, such as This endpoint allows you to connect to your RDS database from within your VPC or through an SSH tunnel.

  • MySQL Server Port: The default port for MySQL is 3306.

  • Username and Password: These are the credentials you set up when creating your RDS instance.

  • Default Schema: This field is optional. You can specify the default database schema you want to connect to, or leave it blank to select it later.

Testing the Connection

After entering all the required configurations, click the "Test Connection" button to ensure that your setup is correct and that the connection can be established. If successful, MySQL Workbench will connect to your RDS instance securely through the EC2 instance.

Here is what you see after successfully connecting to your database. I have created different schema for demonstration purposes. Note that the company database exists since we defined it during the RDS Instance creation process.